Midwest Outdoor Sales has been with Yakima from the beginning, dating back to 1982. The MOS team are all experts in how to properly fit the right Yakima products to match your car's specifications to send you down the road safely. Whether it be boating, biking, camping, fishing or family road trips we have you covered! We love knowing that we have been outfitting the Midwest for close to 40 years in Yakima racks to create memories outdoors!

Regardless of your destination or adventure, Yakima helps get you, your friends and all your gear there, allowing you to focus on what really matters- creating memories to last a lifetime. 

Here at Yakima we believe in connecting you, your friends, family and all your favorite gear to your desired destination or activity. Doesn’t matter if you are headed out for camping, biking, fishing, to the cabin for the weekend or taking the family on a holiday road trip, Yakima believes that any life adventure, regardless of the destination, creates shared experiences and memories for you, your family and friends.  When the road winds back home, the memories and connections with friends and family remain long after the trip is over.  Yakima will handle all your gear, freeing up car space, so you can travel in comfort and style.